What are you doing for Lent?

This year why not travel with Jesus as he enters into his passion? ‘No Greater Love’ is a Lenten programme, based around a series of short films shot on location in the Holy Land. Over five weeks we are given the opportunity to walk step-by-step with Jesus through the scriptures from the garden of Gethsemane to Mount Calvary. The short films are presented by Edward Sri who leads us on a biblical pilgrimage that reveals Christ’s amazing love for us. At each session there will be the opportunity to pray and talk together as members of our Parish Family.
There are 5 sessions – one for each week of Lent before we enter into Holy Week.

Location: St Oliver Plunkett Parish Hall

Date: Starts Tuesday 25th Feb 2020 at 7pm. Runs for 4 weeks so the other dates are:
Tuesday 3rd March, Tuesday 10th March and Wednesday 18th March.

Time: Tea & Coffee served on arrival/during session/end of session

To register: Please contact the parish office on 90618180

‘No Greater Love’ is an opportunity to prepare our minds and hearts as we prepare for the celebration of Easter. “The Resurrection is the greatest message history has ever heard!” Pope Francis